I present here a small part of my music (more than 300 opus) at the free disposal of everyone.
Freedom to modify, supplement, interpret.
Please do not use it commercially without my permission.
This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International License.
My tablatures are not partitions: they do not use the solfeggio notation and the rhythmic indications are
sketchy. The bar lines are not regular and are to be read like the punctuation in a text.
The interpreter must not "respect" the indications of the tablature but follow them, complete them, turn away from them, to elaborate his own interpretation.
My tablatures are memos that allow me to "retrieve" my compositions.
More works available for free on the french part of this site !
Click below.
Ce site a été conçu avec Jimdo. Inscrivez-vous gratuitement sur https://fr.jimdo.com